Exciting XMPP news of the world!

Lots of news this week!

SPIRIT DSP released VideoMost SDK 5.0 for mobile videoconferencing service providers

VideoMost uses XMPP for signalling.

node-xmpp-core 5.0

The node-xmpp project has released node-xmpp-core 5.0.

xmppbot in PHP

xmppbot is a client for the Laravel PHP framework.

How to Chat on Livecoding.tv Using an External XMPP Client

livecoding.tv has explained in a blog post how to live chat on top of coding streams.

Roundup of the IM in Firefoex OS (french)

The french-speaking Firefox OS community has released an interesting and insightful article (in french, sorry) about the Instant Messaging apps in Firefox OS.

Do you want to read it in automated, approximately translated version?

Movim has tags

The excellent XMPP-based social network has now received the new tagging feature:

MongooseIM 1.6 is available

Check out the blog post for all the infos: MongooseIM 1.6: Riak, DevOps love, and so much more!

PBX-versie has XMPP

voipcenter.be has released version 6.0.10 of the cloud PBX, with XMPP integration, for presence and signalling.